Together, we can impact more emerging leaders

We are so proud of what we have accomplished through our Student Self Leadership programs in the last two decades. We’re determined to continue expanding our impact in the years to come. Join us in making a difference! 

​40 countries | 6 continents
Thousands of students impacted by our programs

Our Goal

Blanchard Institute has set a ​​goal to give 100,000 students the opportunity to change their lives through our courses every year—and we need your help to get there!

Your support is what enables us to transform our vision into action so that we can create a world where every young person can become a self-reliant leader. Discover how you can uniquely contribute to our effort and help us achieve our goal today​.​​

Support our cause, your way

Want to get involved but not sure how to get started? ​Learn more about​ becoming an amplifier, ​​ambassador, or donor​.​​

Be an Amplifier

Invite participants to help us reach more people. Do you know individuals or groups who could benefit from our programs? Help spread the word. 

We’re looking for schools, sports teams, youth clubs, parents, teacher’s groups, classified staff, coaches, and more to join our student or adult courses. 

Use our Marketing Resources to share information about this opportunity with your network to connect them with life-changing tools. 


  • Encourage the students and adult champions in your life to enroll in Student Self Leadership
  • Remind graduates to promote Student Self Leadership to their peers
  • Follow us on social media and share information about our programs on your own​ channels​​
  • Share information about how to be​come​ an amplifier, ambassador, or donor on your social media​ channels​

Be an Ambassador

If you are a leader or teacher at a school, organization or community, bring our program directly to your students. Introduce us to key stakeholders to get them on board, and then provide the leadership or facilitation to students and groups. Find helpful tools on our Marketing Resources page. 

With our Do-It-Yourself kit, we’ll equip you with everything you need, from comprehensive materials to preparation sessions. If your students join our online course for our blended option, we handle all student communication so you can focus on empowering their learning experience.  


  • Assemble a group of students or champions to participate in Student Self Leadership together​
  • Offer incentives for the people you lead to join our program
  • Participate in our blended delivery solution: Your students complete self-study work on our online site and then attend weekly in-person sessions
  • Preorder Student Self Leadership DIY so that you can personally facilitate our life-changing program for the students you lead

Be a Donor

Invest in the future by making a donation to Blanchard Institute. Your financial support allows us to offer this program at no cost to attendees and support their educational journeys. You can designate your donation to program support or our scholarship fund.  

Program Support: Your contribution ensures we can continue to offer our programs for free. 

Our Scholarship Fund: Help students continue their education. Each year Blanchard Institute plans to award an average of ten $2500 scholarships to help fund post-high school learning at colleges, universities, or vocational schools. 


  • Give a single donation
  • Establish a recurring monthly or yearly contribution
  • Organize a group fundraiser and contribute the proceeds
  • Partner with us by providing an incentive to people who donate during a donation campaign

The impact of your donations


Covers digital completion credentials for 20 learners


Covers five printed participant tool kits for an in-person class


Covers a facilitation poster kit for a DIY classroom


Helps fund a partial scholarship award


Covers costs for five online collaborative participants


Funds one scholarship award


Funds four or more scholarship awards


Your personalized gift creates lasting student opportunities

Thank You

Large or small, every donation has the power to transform futures.

The Blanchard Institute stands as a beacon of hope and change, and it is the heartfelt contributions from supporters like you that ensure our mission moves forward. Each contribution, no matter its size, reverberates with impact.

From those who amplify our voice, to our tireless ambassadors advocating for our cause, to the generous donors who invest in our vision—each one plays a pivotal role.

Your support not only uplifts the individuals we serve but also strengthens the very foundation of our community.

Together, we’re forging a brighter, more promising tomorrow for countless lives.

Ready to support our intiatives?