Who We Are
​​​Through Blanchard Institute, we seek to give everyone the opportunity to pursue—and achieve—their life goals, one young leader at a time.​​

Supporting the next generation of inspired leaders

​​Fueled by the visionary spirits of Ken and Margie Blanchard, Blanchard Institute is committed to illuminating the way forward for young learners and leaders. Our programs and tools educate, enlighten, and inspire young learners to grow into the confident self-leaders our world needs. And when the adults in their life know how to coach and support students, everyone can work together to unlock potential.

Blanchard Institute has exclusive permission to use Blanchard’s content and intellectual property to adapt and tailor leadership training programs for youth, without any charge to the students, teachers, facilitators, parents, schools, or organizations involved.

Our Vision

We envision a world where every young person can become a self-reliant leader—emerging learners, self-powered for leadership.

Our Mission

Our mission is to shift a young learner’s mindset from life passenger to life leader.

How We Do It

A holistic approach to guide young learners towards a transformative journey of self-empowerment.


Through our unique combination of collaboration, relationship building, and Blanchard’s proven leadership models, our learning experiences make a lasting impact.


Our impact extends beyond the learner to the village that supports them—from parents to teachers to administrators to communities.


​​We empower young learners to take charge of their lives and unleash their lifelong commitment to both learning and leading.
The Ultimate Outcome
Through guided learning experiences and community engagement, we work to shift a young learner’s mindset from life passenger to life leader—at zero cost to learners, parents, schools, or organizations. By cultivating young learners who own their destiny and drive their own progress, we enable the ultimate outcome: emerging learners, self-powered for leadership.

Our Values

Blanchard Institute lives by the same four core values embodied by the entire Blanchard ecosystem.

Be True

​​Blanchard Institute was founded on Ken and Margie’s dedication to community-based servant leadership. We empower emerging leaders because we know that positively impacting the trajectory of just one person’s life can make a difference in many others.

Scale Kindness

Kindness and compassion are the foundation of all that we do—knowing that at scale, lasting impact is made. We embrace inclusion and honor diversity, creating a community of trust and connection.

Transform Together

Together, with parents, educators, and communities, we work to help every young learner become a force for the greater good, all while nurturing the profound strength that teamwork can unlock.

Relentless Pursuit

The process from learner to life leader is a persistent quest. At Blanchard Institute, we work to provide emerging leaders with the tools to navigate their journey and inspire them to be the vibrant leaders of tomorrow.

Ken and Margie Blanchard

How It All Started

​​In 1979, Ken and Margie Blanchard started a corporate training company focused on creating the best leadership development programs. Today, Blanchard provides programs, coaching, and consulting services to leaders in organizations all over the world.

While developing leadership skills through Blanchard training programs, many clients expressed, “I wish I had learned these skills years ago, before I became an adult.” They felt that their lives would have been easier to manage and more fulfilling if they had learned this knowledge at a younger age. And Ken and Margie listened.

In 2014, they created ​Blanchard Institute, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. An offshoot of the Blanchard Foundation, which was established in ​1985 and housed the initial Student Self Leadership program, Blanchard Institute remains dedicated to reaching young people before they enter the workforce. It’s Ken and Margie’s legacy—their gift to the world.

Ready to support our cause?